How to improve relationship insecurities

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

Every relationship has its tough times, but when you’re carrying emotional baggage from the past, it can have a harsh impact on your current relationship. Whether it’s a fear they’ll cheat, anxiety that they’ll leave, or just lack of inner self-confidence, these problems can really take their toll even on the strongest of partnerships.

How can you achieve a more positive mindset and move past these relationship issues?

1. Identify your triggers

If you can spot when and why your anxieties are flaring up, then that’s the first step. Try keeping a journal to note down what causes you to feel unhappy, worried or anxious. Take time to figure out where these issues have originated from. For example, were they caused by events in a previous relationship? Has your partner acted in a negative way in the past that causes you to worry? Do you have long-standing problems with body image issues that cause you to doubt their attraction to you? There can be many causes that will detrimentally cause your mood to nosedive and bring your relationship down with it.

2. Make your partner aware of why you act the way you do

If you seem erratic or irrational at times, that can inflame your partner’s own anxieties or even trigger anger and annoyance. They might not understand why you suddenly go cold and hostile or why you flare up in rage. Calmly and clearly explain how your negative thinking patterns have developed and what causes them to emerge in daily life. The better they understand, the more deeply they can empathise with you.

3. Self-care is essential for constructive improvements

Whether you’re feeling down or not, taking some time out from your busy schedule to focus on your personal physical and mental well-being brings a multitude of benefits. Pampering yourself, taking some time to exercise, listening to some guided meditation, or simply catching up on sleep can really boost mental health. In turn, this will make you feel more connected with yourself and others and ultimately foster a more positive mindset which will have a beneficial impact on your relationship.

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