
Start fixing your relationship issues today for a happier tomorrow

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

Relationship issues come in all shapes and sizes, but something they all share is that if you ignore them they will always get worse over time. Without fail.

When you’re suffering relationship issues, whatever they may be, it’s easy to feel like sweeping them under the carpet and trying to pretend that nothing is wrong. It may work for a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months, but that underlying tension will always resurface no matter how much you try to stop it.

Tackling your relationship issues head on then is essential because if you don’t, the rest of your well-being will suffer as a result and you may even find your career/other relationships with family and friends begin to suffer as well.

Understand the problem

Relationship issues are so broad in their spectrum that you need to do some soul searching and honest thinking to establish what exactly the specifics of the issues you’re facing in your relationship are. This could be anything from not spending enough time together, to friction with your other half’s parents, or maybe even second thoughts about the relationship itself.

Whatever the issues are, establish and define them as clearly and as honestly as possible. You can’t begin to treat a problem unless you know exactly what it is.

Talk to your partner

When relationships encounter issues, which all relationships do at some point, it’s human nature, it’s important to remember that you can’t do all the work yourself to make it better again. This is something that is going to require some honest communication between you and your partner.

This is no mean feat because you may have to have some frank conversations about difficult topics, but while it might be scary to grasp the nettle and instigate such a conversation it is in fact essential. If you don’t, those underlying issues will continue to fester.

When relationship issues take seed there are two inevitable consequences. Either they’ll get so bad to the point the relationship breaks down, or the relationship becomes cold and joyless. Both are entirely avoidable, with effort.

If you’d like to talk more about relationship issues please feel free to reach out to discuss private sessions with me. I love helping clients with this issue.

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