
How to deal with post-lockdown anxiety

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

As lockdown restrictions ease, some people are chomping at the bit to head down to their favourite restaurant, pub or bar again. However, for many people, the thought of leaving the safety of their homes is extremely distressing. Having been trapped in a bubble for many long months, you may have developed anxieties about venturing out again into the outside world, which is completely natural.

So, how can you overcome your post-lockdown anxiety and reconnect with the world?

Plan your trips in advance

Making a plan as to your first trip out can be extremely helpful. Consider the place you’re visiting and how long you’re going to stay. Plan your route there and your way home too. It can also be useful if you reconnect with doing something that makes you feel comfortable, such as something you enjoyed before lockdown, and this is a great way to ease some worries.

Take baby steps

Don’t rush into doing something that you don’t feel comfortable doing. If your partner or friend wants to go to your local beer garden or a department store and you feel that will be overwhelming, be honest with them. Try and arrange something that will elicit less anxiety, such as a walk in the park or a brief trip to the supermarket.

Don’t be hard on yourself

Remember that it is normal and understandable for major lifestyle changes to have an impact on you and stir up feelings of anxiety. Having been locked down for so long, especially if you have been shielding, it is natural for the world to seem like a scary place. By taking it slow and having compassion for yourself, you will make more progress if you allow yourself to return to the world at your own pace rather than rushing the process.

Visit a therapist

If you cannot overcome your anxieties alone, talk to a trusted professional who will guide you through the process and help you to feel better about going out and about again and it will also start to restore your self-confidence.

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