How to have a more balanced relationship

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

One of the most common relationship issues is a lack of balance. Of course, achieving a 50/50 split in all aspects of your relationship is impossible. However, achieving a balanced relationship is not about doing 50% of the chores or earning exactly 50% of the income. It’s about both feeling heard and supported. So, how do we achieve a more balanced relationship?

You both need to have a say in big decisions

It’s impossible to have a 50/50 balance across all decisions. You would spend half of your time asking each other questions if you were trying to achieve a 50/50 decision on everything from what fabric softener you should purchase to what you are having for dinner. However, when it comes to the big decisions, you need to make them together. From vacations to moving to another city, you can’t shut down your partner’s ideas or enforce your own. If you don’t agree, compromise is the only solution. You need to find a middle ground. After all, you’re not going to have the same opinions all of the time!

Support each other’s careers

It doesn’t matter who the breadwinner is, or who has the more prestigious job. You need to support each other no matter what. This is especially important when it comes to career changes. While your partner should support you in achieving your dreams, you shouldn’t simply expect them to follow you to the other side of the world and ignore their goals and feelings. You need to make sure your partner has a vision of how the move could be positive for them too.

Make sure no one dominates the conversation

You both need to practise the art of listening, and it is a difficult art to master! After all, it can be very tempting to want to get your point across and to dominate the discussion. However, when talking about important matters, you need to really listen to what your partner is saying and wait for your moment to speak.

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