
How to boost your productivity

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

Life in our modern world can feel incredibly fast-paced. Despite always feeling like we’re ‘on the go’, many of us still don’t think we’re being productive enough and don’t have enough hours in the day. So how can you change your lifestyle to become a more productive and happier individual?

Be a planner

The most productive people are almost always those who are the most organised. To-do lists are your friends. It’s worth starting each morning with a checklist or plan of things you need to do that day. Try not to write your lists the evening before, or the amount you want or need to get done can play with your mind when you should be drifting off to sleep.

Practise self-care

Taking time out to unwind really does help with stress management. Contrary to popular belief, when you’re under pressure you can find your productivity levels wane as you’re daunted by the amount you need to do. That’s the point at which to take a step back. Have a soak in the bath, go running or find some other form of exercise – putting some distance between you and the problem will help you refresh and return more focused.

Avoid conflicts

Stress can affect people in different ways, but for many, it makes us irritable and short-tempered. That’s only natural, but it’s also dangerous for productivity. You need to be assertive without rubbing people up the wrong way because tension and conflicts can really harm the approach you take to your work and how much you get done. Take some time out to really study your emotions and why you’re feeling this way. Once you’ve identified the cause of your stress, you’ll be able to deal with it and move on.

Amend your thinking patterns

We all have certain ‘triggers’ which set off stress and lead our productivity levels to fall. Try to examine those thought processes which are most damaging, then spend some time working out how to avoid those triggers and the thinking patterns they set off.

Sometimes you need a little professional guidance to really increase your productivity and become more confident in your abilities. If you’d like to book an appointment with me, then I’m always happy to advise you on boosting your productivity and changing your lifestyle for the better.

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1 comment

Jayashree T.Rao August 4, 2019 - 7:53 am

Good tips here. Making a list of errands really helps. Multi-tasking is not for everyone. It messes the job at times.

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