
Remote working and wellbeing: 4 simple tips

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

In these digitally connected times, increasing numbers of us are able to do our jobs from anywhere with the aid of a laptop and internet connection. While that can be a great thing, it can also present some unique challenges to our mental health – 49 per cent of remote workers claim that their greatest challenge is related to mental health. Working alone and without an externally imposed schedule can easily lead to a lack of motivation and lower self-confidence. Here are four behavioural tips that will help you to stay positive when homeworking.

1. Get regular sleep

We all know how important sleep is for our mental health, but when you work remotely it can be all too easy to slip into an erratic sleeping pattern. Try to get into bed at the same time every night, and especially get up at the same time every morning. This will give your days a solid structure and will train your body to expect sleep at a certain time, leading to higher quality sleep.

2. Dress for the world

A big temptation when working from home is to stay in your pyjamas and dressing gown all day, just because you can! But over time this behaviour is likely to cause a loss of motivation, and negatively affect your self-confidence. It doesn’t have to be a business suit, but at least put on clothes that you would happily wear outside.

3. Go outside

Since you are dressed for it, it is a great idea to get out of the house at least once a day. Whether you take your laptop to a coffee shop and continue working, or take a break to go for a walk, a change of scene is vital. Time in nature and interacting with other people are both essential for good mental health.

4. Eat regular meals

As with sleep, eating can easily become an irregular thing when working from home. Try to eat your meals at a fixed time each day and structure your work around that schedule. This will enable you to ‘chunk’ your workday, which will help you to focus better on each task, lead to improved time-management, and massively reduce stress.

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