3 signs you’re burning out – and 3 ways to prevent it

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

3 signs you’re burning out – and 3 ways to prevent it

To burn out is something that happens to more people than you think and it can creep up on you. Try to notice any of the following signs to identify when everything may be getting too much for you!

1. Your interaction with others

Think about your average day at work and consider how you speak to your colleagues. Are they long conversations, where you can both get things off your chests? Or are they short, snappy chats that do not fulfill their potential? If you feel frustrated by your work interactions, it will drip-feed into your home, creating conflicts and negative relationship issues.

2. A negative attitude

If you are often seen as a positive individual, a sudden behaviour change or an alteration in mood and attitude might be a sign that you are suffering. Look out for situations in which you cannot see anything other than a half-empty glass.

3. A lack of interest in your interests

Should you have lost all love and motivation for the past-times you once enjoyed, it could be time to take a break and get your life sorted. If all you are doing is work, your personal life will suffer.

As a health psychologist, I understand that it is a difficult process for you to recover from burn out and you have lost your motivation to start your recovery path. If any of the above signs sound familiar, you are not alone. I can show you three effective tips that I use with clients in my clinic.

Try to adapt some of the tips below.

1.Get organised

If you are feeling snowed under by work, bills or family commitments, you need to plan yourself and your time more effectively. By ensuring your workload does not encroach onto your home life, it will remain manageable for you.

2. Make time to relax

Turn your phone, television and laptop off. Read a book or listen to some music. Yes, this is easier said than done, but by planning some time in your day that is just for yourself, you will look forward to it and will more than likely stick to it.

3. Friends and family

You have a support network around you, even if you do not call it as such. Your friends and family are there to help, but the first step has to be yours. If you are lacking in confidence and motivation, by asking for help from those around you, you can ensure you do not burn out and that you remain psychologically happy and healthy.

If you’d like to talk more about treatment plans (12 sessions) for burn out and stress management, please feel free to reach out to discuss private sessions with me by visiting  https://www.healthpsychologyclinic.co.uk/appointments.php  – I love helping clients  and design a plan to overcome this issue.

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