
Struggling with your mental health? Here’s 5 support methods to know

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

A publication by a mental health charity has shown that 1 in 6 people have some form of mental health issue each week. This growing problem can come in a variety of forms you wouldn’t normally associate with mental health, from avoiding social events, to comfort eating, obesity, and self-harming. If left untreated, something small can quickly escalate into long term problems like eating disorders. There are methods available which are effective at helping you to manage your mental health and improve your wellbeing. So, what are they?

1. Talking

The reality is that people who are struggling with mental health issues feel alone. Talking about difficult topics can be hard, but something which is encouraged in professional settings is not to be afraid to share that you are struggling.

Talking with someone else who has experienced similar struggles can help you to understand you aren’t alone. Maybe they have previously struggled with body image issues, but taking up a new sport and learning about healthy eating enabled them to overcome their condition. Although this might not be right for you, it’s a step in the right direction and may help you uncover coping strategies more suited to your needs.

2. Behaviour therapy

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is another method which is used to change thought patterns. Sitting and talking to a professional about a mental health issue and changing your thoughts using methods like mind maps can be great. CBT is used for managing a range of mental health issues like anxiety, self-harm, and depression by talking through an experience so it becomes less stressful. Breaking the pattern which leads to a mental health condition is vital.

3. Support

Simple tools like plans and diaries are valuable for tracking your emotions (e.g. you might feel too stressed to get onto a bus your yourself). Recognising when an issue arises can help to put an action plan in place, like arranging for a colleague to meet you at the entrance so you can walk in together. Over time, you will feel confident enough to walk inside alone.

4. Stories

Stories are beneficial for helping you to understand your emotions and can also encourage behaviour changes. Depending on your background and emotional wellbeing, you may respond better by reading books containing fictional characters. Stories can encourage change in a friendly way and can also be acted out either with a partner or in a small group. Music could play in the background to promote a calm environment.

5. Rewards

Rewards are essential for helping to notice progress. Also, rewards help you to feel good and can be a great way to improve motivation. Even if you have only managed to make one small positive change, a reward can help to keep you on track.

Getting support for your mental health doesn’t need to be overly complicated. There are methods which can help you get the support you need. Booking a session with a qualified professional is the first step on the road to recovery. You can rule out any underlining issues affecting weight management or anxiety, for example. Also make sure you effectively communicate with the psychologist, and practise talking about your problems in different forms, and begin to work on a solution by planning and using rewards when small steps have been made. If you would like to know more about psychotherapy sessions, get in touch with me today. As an experienced health psychologist, we can work together to help make you the person you really want to be.

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1 comment

Isabel December 9, 2019 - 6:40 pm

Thanks for writing about this. Many people feel alone and feel as though they cannot speak about their feelings in a “loud” world. It’s really important for us to come together collectively and express that we are here for each other amongst friends and family.

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