
How to deal with common work related issues

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

Dealing with work related issues can be a job unto itself. A tricky, subtle job without clear instructions or guidance – so naturally many people will stumble, run in circles, and dig holes in the ground, figuratively creating new problems while trying to fix an old one. Tact is the key to successfully resolving work related issues, especially where it involves fellow workers. This article will guide you through the fundamentals of sorting out the most common sources of office distress.

Understanding Stress and Looking Out

Something to keep in mind about stress – it affects everyone, and often goes around in circles in a work setting. The best way to deal with it can be surprisingly counter-intuitive: it’s all about looking away from you. Rather than staying focused in how stressed you are and just building up a pile of nerves, try to get some perspective by spotting how your colleagues, even your bosses, are also constantly dealing with stressful situations. If you can relate to how others are subject stress just as you are, you’ll find it easier to create bonds and be more understanding – a shift in attitude that will make things easier for everyone including yourself.

Anger Management Techniques

When your stress levels escalate to anger, you will realize it gets harder to keep your perspective grounded or care much about how others feel. In this scenario, you should try using some relaxation and meditation techniques to keep the lid from getting blown off. Whenever your feel your anger is growing dangerously out of hand, try sitting back in your chair, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths, holding the air for a few seconds at each exhale and inhale. While doing this, reflect on why staying collected more beneficial to you on the long run, while getting upset will only backfire against you and make the issue get worse. Try to practice this exercise often, even when you’re not in the office or even feeling stressed – you’ll find it quickly becomes second nature.

Conflicts at work

When it comes to human relations, fighting fire with fire is seldom a good idea. Which is to say that you can’t expect to manage conflicts at work by adopting an aggressive attitude; instead, you have to do use the best of your diplomacy and tact. First, you need to get better at controlling your emotions and develop a peaceful atmosphere (which you can achieve by observing the previous exercises). Never try to address a conflict unless you are feeling balanced otherwise you will probably just add oil to the fire.

Communication Skills

When you’re feeling confident in your capacity to address an on-going problem without getting furious, it’s time to polish your communication skills. You need to make sure you’re saying the right words and staying the right frame of mind, as to avoid being misunderstood or misinterpreted. Do your best to be very objective and polite, and above all – be very mindful to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes while you’re making sure no one steps on yours. Effective communication is as much of a science as an art, and it’s something that can tremendously improve your satisfaction at work and improve your personal connection to your peers.

If you would like to talk to someone about available treatments for work related issues please get in touch with me.

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