How to cope with social anxiety

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

Social anxiety or social phobia is the long-term and intense fear of social situations. Most people compare it to shyness, but it is more than that. If you are terrified of being judged negatively, avoid meeting new people, and are very self-conscious in everyday social situations, you probably have a social anxiety disorder. This mental health condition affects how you interact with others, causing relationship issues, low academic and employment achievement, low self-confidence, isolation, etc. Fortunately, this condition can be managed with medication and other coping mechanisms. Here are three tips to help manage social anxiety.

Find triggers for your anxiety

Social anxiety is triggered by different situations for everyone. Pinpointing when and why you feel most anxious is the first step towards finding a solution for this problem. To do this, list down situations that cause the most discomfort, as well as the symptoms that you experience in each case. For example, if you worry about people noticing your nervousness, a grounding technique can help you refocus and stay in the present.

Limit your alcohol intake

Alcohol may seem like a great way to ease social anxiety, but it can also intensify feelings of anxiety in some people. Also, using alcohol regularly to contain your nerves could make it impossible for you to socialise without it, causing alcohol addiction. According to a study, 20% of people with a social anxiety disorder also suffer from alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. Therefore, try and reduce your alcohol intake or avoid it altogether when you’re in an uncomfortable situation.

Talk to a therapist

Like any other mental health condition, talking to professionals yield the best results. A therapist will help you identify your triggers and teach you helpful coping strategies and relaxation techniques. They can also create a safe space for you to navigate through anxiety-causing situations through graduated exposure.


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