
How a psychologist can support you during COVID-19

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

We each have a unique psychological make-up. It’s what makes us human and it’s the reason why living alone suits some people well, while others may struggle. For most of us, human contact of one kind or another is an essential element of everyday life. Even a few words of small-talk at the local shop can sometimes make all the difference. A longer chat with a friend over a coffee can even be the highlight of the day. Certainly, getting out and about for at least part of the day is normally crucial to a healthy mental and emotional state.

The Covid-19 pandemic has deprived many of that opportunity. In response, people are finding that a regular video or phone chat with an experienced and understanding psychology practitioner can help to fill those empty spaces with positive and uplifting engagement.

Unload those feelings

The restrictions on normal life created by Covid-19 are piling more pressure on those who may already have been anxious and stressed. People who live and maybe now also work alone are often facing the biggest challenges. Many of us have even lost the daily banter and gossip with work colleagues. Getting out for exercise, going to the gym and visiting friends and neighbours are restricted. Sometimes, we just need to unload our feelings – and have them understood and validated without being judged. A professional psychologist is highly skilled at doing just that and will sensitively help you to draw out and address those underlying feelings.

Coping mechanisms

Many of our normal longer-term coping mechanisms have also been cut or taken away. Weekends and workdays blur into one. Things we look forward to – upcoming social events, parties and even holidays – have all been put on ice. And worst of all, there’s no clear picture of when ‘normal life’ may return. For many, it’s the uncertainty that’s the most difficult thing to cope with, but there are multiple things you can do here, including acknowledging and opening up about how you are feeling.

Remember it’s not forever

But one thing IS certain. It may take some time, but sooner or later, all this will be history. In the meantime, there are tried and tested techniques that can ensure you survive until that happy day finally comes. With professional guidance and support from a qualified and experienced psychology practitioner, you can develop the self-confidence to find and activate your own unique internal triggers and switches that can help you to not only feel safe and secure in your own skin despite the current trials and tribulations of Covid-19, but even find hidden opportunities for longer-term self-development and lifestyle changes for the future. There really can be a silver lining in this cloud and a professional psychologist will help you to find it.

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