
5 tips for talking to someone suffering with their mental health

by Joanna Konstantopoulou

The American Psychological Association stated in 2019 that mental health illnesses in young adults have increased significantly over the last decade. With thousands of people suffering from mental health issues every day, it’s important that we talk about them; especially with those closest to us.

Society has come a long way with talking about mental health issues and it is no longer considered a taboo subject, however it can still be difficult to talk about. Speaking about these kinds of issues can have a hugely positive impact on someone’s mental health, so here are five tips to get talking.

1. Listening has a strong psychological benefit on mental health

Whilst talking about mental health issues is important, listening to someone can be just as important and has proven psychological benefits. Someone who is struggling with their mental health will often appreciate you just being there to listen, and willing to support them as well as talking about their issues.

2. Show that you are available

Often showing that you are available to talk is a comfort to someone who is struggling with their mental health. Make sure that you let them know that you are available whether it’s in person, texting or talking on the phone. Keep all channels of communication open with them.

3. Don’t let mental health be the focus of conversation

Talking about mental health can be draining, especially for the person struggling with their mental health. Make sure you take time to talk to them about everyday normal things; this will make sure they don’t feel defined by their mental health.

4. Give them time

It’s important not to force the issue with someone who is struggling with their mental health, as it can be a difficult thing to talk about, so be patient with them. Whilst not avoiding the issues at hand, give them time to talk about their problems when they are ready.

5. Point them towards professional help

Finally, whilst it is important to be there for them to talk to, ultimately you will need to point them towards professional help. Despite mental health illness affecting lots of adults today, Psychology Today state that only about 40 per cent seek treatment. There are lots of mental health services available that will be able to help tackle their issues head-on. Make them aware of what help is available and how they can access this.

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